Manifesting Miracles

About 4 years ago, I remember an afternoon when was in a state of worry about money.  I wanted to dive into a real estate project and worried there wouldn’t be enough money to make it happen.  I had no idea how I would fund the idea I was so compelled to pursue. 

To cope with my anxiety, I went on a run.  As I moved my legs on the pavement, I worked through fears and questions around what I was feeling, wrestling with what I wanted yet not knowing how it would all shake out. 

When I got to the halfway point, I turned my head to the ground and right there, staring back at me from the green grass, was Andrew Jackson’s face on a $20 bill.  

I picked up that little gift and put it in my pocket.  I remember feeling a sense of shock and awe because I knew, on a very deep level, that this was not just $20.  It was a sign to reassure me that everything would be ok, that there is always more than enough, that my project would come to completion even though I didn’t yet know how.   I was moved to tears and ran home with a little more confidence that somehow I would be supported to get where I wanted to go. 


It can be easy for skeptics to look at this scenario and dismiss it, rationalizing it as just a chance encounter with a piece of government paper. 

But I’d rather look at it as a small miracle.  I’d rather see it as a divine moment to teach me something, to remind me that things are always working out in my favor, even though I may not know the intricacies of the plan or the steps that will get me there. 

The benefit of noticing these little miracles is that they rearrange our perception and release us from fears of lack and isolation. 

I’m happy to report that the project I desired came to completion and another one to add.  Since that day I have experienced an abundance of mini-miracles – more than I could ever count – and have left that anxious, scarced mindset behind.  I traded it for one that is built on the belief that I need not worry about a thing; that all my needs will be met as they always have, and that every desire will come to pass in its proper time. 

These miracles are around us all the time, if we can table our fears and pay attention to the subtle ways that they present themselves in our line of vision.

Perhaps I’m wrong and it was nothing more than a $20 bill.  But I’d rather choose a narrative that takes coincidence and weaves a benevolent tapestry of faith that supports me through every obstacle.   I’d rather choose to live with eyes wide open, taking in the mysterious moments that come as I watch life unfold, one tiny manifested miracle at a time. 


From Chaos to Clarity


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