Can Gratitude Change My Kids?

Are your kids grumpy, angry, resisting everything you ask of them?

Want a quick way raise their vibration and *fingers crossed* get a little more compliance?

Enter the gratitude journal.

I know, we've all heard of these and they sound so nice and fluffy. But do they really DO anything?

Over the past 9 years, I've practiced this with my kids. We wind down our evening with a (very hilarious) AFV clip to laugh off the stress of our day (why is it so funny watching others fall on their faces??). We then shift into a time of sharing a minimum of 3 things we are grateful for from that day.

Some days are tough. We have to dig deep and say tiny (yet not really tiny) things like "the sun shining" or "the food I didn't feel like eating" or "me not punching my brother in the face." But stretching ourselves to notice all that is good collectively shifts our minds and hearts toward a perspective that feels better, lighter, more promising.

Does this mean they will do their chores without ever complaining? Probably not. Will they start acquiescing to your every wish and desire? Doubtful.

But perhaps they might start to see their world a little differently. Perhaps they will begin to notice what is right instead of what is wrong. Perhaps the feeling that comes from such thoughts will produce more optimism, more hope, and thereby more generosity.

I know. I'm a little idealistic. But I also know that perception is everything. And that every small action has an effect that cascades into ripples of infinite outcomes, in one direction or another.

I think I'll go in the direction that feels good. And maybe - just maybe - my kids will want to join me in it.


Manifesting Miracles


Why Not Celebrate?