Why Not Celebrate?

Is it actually possible to live most of your life in party-mode? 

How often do you stop and pat yourself on the back for a job well done?  Do you notice your successes big and small?  Better yet, how often do you throw a party to celebrate an accomplishment in the company of loved ones? 

In our fast-paced, work-heavy culture, it’s easy to keep going with the momentum of achieving and performing and fail to notice what’s actually happening in all the frenzy.  I confess that as a recovering over-achiever, I often forget to stop and give myself credit for the fears I have faced and the efforts I’ve put forth that have brought me to the next level.   

It’s true that when we stop to savor the good stuff, we buffer ourselves from the stress of the challenging stuff.  

Even mini-celebrations allow us to digest and integrate what we overcame and the things we have learned that propel us forward into the next stage.   

And yet, for me one of the most compelling parts of stopping to celebrate lies in the perspective shift that can take place in the space of that pause.  We come to see and delight in who we are and who we are becoming.  We notice and honor that which we hold most dear.  We appreciate and cherish one another as we acknowledge with gratitude what has transpired in our favor. 

Ironically the more we stop to celebrate life, the more there is in life to celebrate. 

I invite you to stop what you are doing and take a moment to recognize yourself, take a little credit, and savor the strength and resilience you have gained for every step that brought you closer to your authentic YOU.  There is no better time than now. 


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