The 4 Pillars of Pleasure

It’s Week Four! Ready to dive a little deeper into pleasure?

We’ve already established that pleasure is much more than sex, and today I want to uncover 3 other layers that will reignite your body’s bliss and elevate your experience of life.  They include Sensual, Playful, Lively, and Erotic Pleasures.


This category of pleasure is where you are aware and fully connected to your senses (smell, taste, sight, sound, touch).  As you engage in sensual pleasure, you feel centered and present to the moment, and often take time to pause and feel gratitude.  Taking time to immerse yourself in nature and the outdoors can greatly enhance your level of sensual pleasure as it takes your mind and body into a higher state of bodily awareness.


It’s so easy for kids to play and be silly, but adults absolutely need it too!  Playful pleasure for adults would involve things like engaging in one or more hobbies or finding ways to connect to humor and laughter.  It also could look like taking part in at least one activity that is not goal or outcome-oriented.  Maybe you roll down a hill or splash through a creek?  The benefit of playful pleasure is that it opens you up to new levels of creativity.


Do you have physical activities that you become absorbed in?  If so, you’re in the zone of lively pleasure.  This could include things like traveling to new places for a sense of novelty and adventure or seeking out opportunities for growth in your profession.  It’s also when you have one or more activities where your focus becomes immersed as you drop into “flow state.”


When you activate erotic energy, you will likely lack guilt or shame about your sexual thoughts, feelings, or behaviors and have an acute awareness of your sexual desires.  You likely seek physical intimacy in your romantic relationships and are able to talk openly about sexual health with people you trust.  Erotic pleasure relies on being at home in your body, present and awake, safe, and peaceful.  It requires you to surrender to your sensations, breath, muscles, and body boundaries.  

As you can see, there are SO many ways to tap into pleasure to live a fully activated life.  And the beauty of this is that the more areas you activate, the more bliss, wellness, joy, and happiness you’ll experience.  

Want to know how your pleasure measures up?  Contact me and I’ll send you my Measure Your Pleasure quiz that will reveal where you’re strong in these 4 pillars and where your pleasure could use a boost!


Pleasure & Wellness: What’s the Connection?


From People-Pleaser to Pleasure Coach