Why is Pleasure So Important?

In a world full of challenging problems, why is pleasure so important?  Why am I even talking about it?

Because I believe pleasure is our birthright.  It keeps us resilient and fosters empathy.  And we need to reclaim it now, more than ever, to stay connected to ourselves and to one another.  After all, here in the US, we live in a time of fear and angst, bombarded with reports of shootings and riots, planetary destruction, pandemics, and crises of all kinds.  It can all be so overwhelming that we rage or shut down and disengage with alcohol, food, overspending, or excessive screen time.  

Paradoxically - as scientific studies confirm - we need to engage MORE, not less.  We need to find time for pleasure, connection, and intimacy in order to soothe and heal, to strengthen our resolve as well as our nervous systems.

In this “Unpacking Pleasure” series, I will attempt to help you to see and understand the value of prioritizing what feels good. It is born of my belief that disconnection from our body, our community, and one another keeps us from accessing healthy pleasures and I believe it’s a story we desperately need to rewrite.

So, how can we wake up?

We start by seeing pleasure as healing.  We start by giving ourselves permission to receive it in different forms through embodied practices that I will share with you in the weeks ahead.  Practices that will reconnect your mind and body and create a new force of energy you didn’t know existed.

We ALL deserve a life full of moments that cultivate joy, bliss, and happiness.  I invite you to come on this journey with me as I dive into what pleasure is while sharing my story from people-pleaser to pleasure coach.  I’ll break down the 4 pillars of pleasure, and provide steps on how exactly to turn yourself back on to life.

Because the pleasure is rightfully YOURS to have and I can’t wait to show you how to get there.

For simple ideas on how to connect to more pleasure, click here and I’ll share my free download “5 Easy ways to Cultivate Pleasure” to get you started on the path to feeling oh-so-good.


What is Pleasure?


5 Little Known Ways to Discover Your Desires